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Plants - New Books
T-8 A Fishkeeper's Guide to Aquarium Plants by Barry James Aquarium plants are
more than mere adornments; they are the natural counterpart to fish in a truly balanced
system. Which plants should you choose? How can you grow them successfully? This colorful
guide provides a wealth of practical advice plus a detailed survey of over 60 freshwater
aquarium plants. 117 pages, 20,000 words, 16 illustrations, 119 color
photographs, hardback $7.91
N-343 Aquarium
Plants Manual by Scheurmann Selecting and maintaining water
plants in large and small aquariums (information on more than forty different plants), 90
color photos, 93 pages, paperback $6.95
For experienced hobbyists and beginners, here are
short profiles on more than 40 different plants combined with details on
selecting and maintaining water plants. There's even a section on how plants and
fish interact in an aquarium.
N-594 Aquarium
Plants The Pictorial Guide By Pablo Tepoot 1998, hardback, 216 pages, many color
photos $46.40
RE-602 Aquarium Plants, The Guide to by Mary E. Sweeney
paperback, 64 pages Contents: Why Live Plants?, What Aquarium Plants Need,
Planting and Maintenance, Decorating with Plants, Plants for the Aquarium, Index
N-602 The
Biology of Marine Plants By M. J. Dring 1992, paperback, 199 pages, This book provides
an introduction to recent analytical and experimental studies of plant growth in the sea.
N-390 Identification Manual For Microalgae Used in Aquaculture by Barry
H. Rosen 1990,
paperback, 44 pages $8.00
H-971 Marine
Invertebrates and Plants of The Living Reef by Dr. Colin 512 pages, 432 Color photos ,
hardback, Guide to identifying the inhabitants of a home aquarium miniature reef including
marine plants, crabs, starfish, shrimp, corals, anemones, etc. $25.85
TS-195 The Natural Aquarium How to Imitate Nature in Your Aquarium by Yushino
& Kobayashi 1993, hardback, 128 pages, 200 Color photos $17.21
N-816 Plants for Your Aquarium by Wolfgang Gula
2000, paperback, 64 pages, many color photos $6.95
N-259 Seaweeds: Biogeography and Ecophysiology by Luning A review of algal
biogeography, ecophysiology and paleogeography 1990, 527 pages, hardback $200.00
N-904 Seaweeds of The Pacific Coast Common
Marine Algae from Alaska to Baja California by Jennifer Mondragon and Jeff
Mondragon 2003, paperback, 97 pages, 138 color photos, 14 line drawings, covers
128 species of Marine Algae from Alaska to Baja California $21.95
N-582 Tropica Aquarium Plants paperback, spiral bound. $14.99
WW-072 Water Gardening, Fishkeeper's Guide to (A Complete
Authoritative Guide By Derek Lambert hardback, 64 pages $8.95
N-353 Your First Planted Aquarium By Ed Stansbury 1992, paperback, 15
pages $1.98
YF-101 Your First Aquarium Plants By Dewhurst 1991, paperback, 32 pages, 16
Color photos $1.95
E-Mail to Jim Forshey/The Aquatic Book Shop