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This new monograph combines the two volumes of “Butterfly and Angelfishes of the World”. The current edition covers all of the known species. The narrative for each species contains a detailed description, habit, natural history, geographic range and distribution.
Angelfishes & Butterfly fishes
continues Scott Michael's definitive accounts of fish species of interest to
marine aquarists. Representing more than a decade of research, writing and
underwater photography, this third volume of a five-volume set provides
authoritive coverage of hundreds of dazzling species of fish. Each species entry
covers identification, behaviors, feeding, selection, buying advice, captive
care techniques and secrets.
The Fishes
Family Echeneidae - Remoras
Family Carangidae - Jacks, Scads & Pompanos
Family Lutjanidae - Snappers
Family Caesionidae - Fusiliers
Family Haemulidae - Sweetlips & Grunts
Family Nemipteridae - Whiptails & Spinecheeks
Family Sciaenidae - Drums & Croakers
Family Mullidae - Goatfishes
Family Pempheridae - Sweepers
Family Monodactylidae - Monos
Family Chaetodontidae - Butterflyfishes
Family Pomacanthidae - Angelfishes
Photography Credits
About the Author
(Includes the DVD The Captive Marine Aquarium Mass Spawning of Tridacna Clams in Captive Systems)
Foreword, by Dr. Timothy A. Hovanec - The Power of One Person ......................... 6
Preface, by Daniel Knop .......................................................................................... 8
Acknowledgment ..................................................................................................... 9
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 10
Marine Fish Aquarium ............................................................................................ 13
List of the Fish ....................................................................................................... 15
Water Chemistry .................................................................................................... 17
Filtration ................................................................................................................. 19
Health/Disease ........................................................................................................ 21
Feeding/Diet ........................................................................................................... 23
Reef Aquarium ........................................................................................................ 41
Filtration ................................................................................................................. 43
Lighting ................................................................................................................... 45
Protein Skimmer/Foam Fractioner ........................................................................... 46
Water Circulation .................................................................................................... 47
Water Chemistry ..................................................................................................... 49
Water Temperature ................................................................................................. 50
pH .......................................................................................................................... 51
Alkalinity ................................................................................................................. 52
Calcium ................................................................................................................... 53
Magnesium .............................................................................................................. 57
Strontium ................................................................................................................. 58
Water Change .......................................................................................................... 59
Tridacna Clams ........................................................................................................ 75
Spawning Behaviors in Captive System ................................................................... 103
Reef-Building Stony Corals ..................................................................................... 113
Growth Sequence ................................................................................................... 155
Reef Fishes ............................................................................................................. 167
Marine Fish Breeding .............................................................................................. 195
Coral Propagation ................................................................................................... 199
Photographic Details ................................................................................................ 221
About the Author .................................................................................................... 224
The Power of One Person
This book represents what one person, one determined person — no, what one dedicated person can do. When it comes to incredibly beautiful aquaria full of big healthy fish and fantastic corals of all shapes and sizes, one might naturally think of public aquaria which are thousands or tens of thousands of gallons in size, located in huge buildings and staffed by several professional full-time aquarists backed by a water quality laboratory. Here in these pages is the proof that those features are not required to achieve the pinnacle of success with marine aquaria.
When I first saw Wayne Shang’s tanks, I couldn’t believe them. The fish-only tank had the largest specimens of marine tropical fish I had ever seen in a home aquarium. Their fitness and size were better and larger, respectively, than any I had ever seen, even in a public aquarium. Plus, these were not the fish considered to be easy by the many experts in the hobby; they were difficult and impossible ones. Here they were in sizes that one can’t comprehend, but you see them with your own eyes. I thought it could not be possible to surpass this accomplishment; but then, he showed me his reef tank. Again, this tank would have been impossible to fathom, had it not been in front of my own eyes. The density, size, and variety of corals; the numbers, types, and colors of fish rivaled anything I had seen diving in places like Fiji, Bonaire, the Philippines, and Grand Cayman.
The reef tank truly represented the closest I had ever seen of someone, anyone, replicating a slice of Mother Nature.
As you look through these pages, remember these are home aquaria. Their size, their location, their filtration and lighting set-ups are not complicated systems designed by some NASA-like engineering firm and professional architect. No, the components are available to anyone. The tanks and the areas around the tanks were clean and would be acceptable to any
“significant other.” None of the tangled cords, salt creep, smells, and assorted clutter normally associated with aquaria was present. These are pristine, beautiful showpieces that demonstrate what an “amateur” can do. Amateur in only that one is not monetarily compensated for the effort. However, there is nothing amateur about the tanks, the set-ups, the organisms, the filtration, and the results of Wayne’s efforts.
Nonetheless, there is a secret ingredient. The secret ingredient that provides Wayne Shang success in my opinion? Dedication. It is obvious he is not satisfied with average, not satisfied with unsupported answers and claims, not satisfied with normal. Yes, many things are unknown about what it takes to achieve true success in this hobby. However, as this book so clearly demonstrates, one person with the will, the inquisitiveness, and the dedication to a goal can achieve the aspiration that so many strive to attain: marine aquaria that replicate and honor nature.
Enjoy this book and what it represents. In these days of “crowd following” and passive acceptance of inferior products, it is refreshing to know there are still concrete, visible examples of what one person can accomplish when he dedicates himself to a task. No committees, no big groups, no panel of experts — just a single person with a goal who builds and maintains the best closed marine aquaria possible, and provides the fish and corals the opportunity to grow and prosper as never before in captivity. It can be done. Here is the proof.
It was with pleasure that I accepted Wayne’s invitation to write this foreword. Please take time to study these photos and appreciate the work, time, and dedication that is behind the results you see in these pages: they show the power of one person.
Dr. Timothy A. Hovanec
Beautifully and colorfully illustrated with photos that serve as identification guides for showing differences between the often-confused clownfish species. Topics include housing, feeding, breeding and interaction with various anemone species.
Emphasis is on closed system commercial culture of tropical marine fish with emphasis on Amphiprion (clownfish). Information includes work done on other marine fish including pompano, black sea bass, redfish and freshwater species including discus and angelfish. Includes: utilization of live and prepared foods, broodstock management and conditioning, oocyte analysis, utilization of hormones and conditioned spawning, hatching, broodstock management, tank selection, system designs, larval rearing, juvenile grow-out, theory and practice, data gathering and analysis, trouble shooting, cost analysis and future fish culture endeavors. Published August 1996. Page format 8.5" x 11", 64 tables, 67 figures and 25 photos. A must for fish Breeders, fresh or saltwater, and serves as a companion manual to the Plankton Culture Manual.
In over 100 color photos by biologist and award-winning photographer Pitkin, "Coral Fish" depicts the variety of fish supported by coral reefs around the world.
This field guide describes approximately 1,000 species of invertebrates and tunicates that are found in the Central and Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. The narrative for each species will include a description of the animal and discuss its natural history and distribution.
This summary provides a review of the ecology of coral reef fishes, contributed by North American and Australian researchers. Areas covered include the development of non-equilibrium models of community organization and the role of recruitment variability in structuring local assemblages and insights into predator-prey and plant herbivore interactions. The book is intended to be suitable for graduate students and professional researchers in ecology.
Contents:A sister and companion guide to Mediterranean Fishes, the Pocketbook, for those interested in more northerly European species. As the title implies it covers the majority of species inhabiting the waters between the Mediterranean and Arctic European areas. Over 400 species are described and almost all are illustrated within the text.
N-629AD1 Addendum No.1 to Fishes of the Indian Ocean Arabia,
1998/9, 33 pages, Plastic cover Free if requested
with book order. $5.00 if ordered separately
This booklet is designed for divers and snorkelers to record their first observations of the common invertebrates and fishes of the Pacific Coast, Alaska to Baja California. All of the common species are listed by common as well as scientific names. For each date there is a place for noting the location and depth of the observation, as well as a column for remarks.
Full-colr field guide describing 253 species of inshore, subtidal marine invertebrates that are commonly observed by biologists, divers and naturalists from the Gulf of Alaska to Central Baja California. Each species is illustrated with a color photo and has a narrative which includes habitat, identification, depth and geographic range and size.
A detailed exploration of Hawaii’s invertebrates. Over 600 color photographs represent thousands of hours of dive time to give a comprehensive, up close look at Hawaii’s fascinating sea creatures.
Noted diver, animal lover, and best-selling author of Hawaii’s Fishes, and A Pocket Guide to Hawai‘i’s Underwater Paradise presents a detailed exploration of Hawai‘i’s invertebrates. The reader is led deep into the undersea realm with photographs of over 500 species of lobsters, shrimps, crabs, shells, octopus, corals, anemones, urchins, stars, sponges, slugs and a host of other lesser-known creatures. Virtually all the animals encountered by Hawai‘i’s snorkelers, divers and beachgoers are here. Also provided are scientific, common and Hawaiian names for each animal, and a wealth of information on its natural history, ecology, cultural importance and even suitability for aquariums
The fishes of the family Pomacanthidae, which form the group popularly known as marine angelfishes, are among the most beautiful and interesting fishes in the world. Because of their good looks and their other bases of appeal, they have been among the most sought after of all species for saltwater aquaria. Unfortunately, they are not among the easiest of fishes to keep; over the course of time, in fact, a number of them have gained a reputation for being overly delicate. In some cases that reputation is deserved, as a few of the pomacanthids make demands that can be satisfied only by experienced specialists. But success with many of these truly exotic fishes can be attained simply by following the very practical recommendations made by author Joachim Frische in this book. One of Europe's most renowned marine aquarist/scientist, Frische has a special dedication to the marine angelfishes, and his book is a testament to his efforts to provide information that will allow marine hobbyists of all levels of experience to keep these beauties successfully. He puts the expertise he has gained over many years of angelfish specialization to good use in covering every area of angelfish care, from specific recommendations about dietary regimens and which species can be kept together and which can't - which ones are better candidates for reef tanks - right through pair formation and mating behavior. Illustrated with more than one hundred full-color photos, the book is a very valuable identification guide to the many species discussed as well as an eye-pleaser in its own right.
TW-117 hardback $12.29
TW-117S paperback $9.95
Well organized in a step-by-step and easy to read format, the text covers complicated concepts and makes them understandable. A book for beginners and advanced hobbyist alike.
N-615PB paperback $38.95
N-615HB hardback $55.22
A comprehensive illustrated guide to 400 species that live among the coral reefs of the world.
Coral reefs, with their rich diversity of fascinating inhabits, are among the most beautiful and complex marine ecosystems. This concise and informative guide includes hundreds of photographs that illustrate individual forms, patterns and colorationWith this series Julian Sprung looks back at the advice he has given in his "Reef Notes" columns in FAMA magazine, offers new suggestions and revises the points where he was in error. By reviewing & revising this little bit of history, he shows the progression of opinion regarding the proper ways to manage a reef aquarium. Lots of questions and answers.
With this series Julian Sprung looks back at the advice he has given in his "Reef Notes" columns in FAMA magazine, offers new suggestions and revises the points where he was in error. By reviewing & revising this little bit of history, he shows the progression of opinion regarding the proper ways to manage a reef aquarium. With a section on water quality.
The author uses underwater images from the Lembeh Strait (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) to explain the behavior of fishes and invertebrates.
Realm of the Pygmy Seahorse is a book project that took approximately four years to complete. For the photography, the author did several trips to the Lembeh Strait in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The core expedition lasted 5 months.
The author wanted to avoid just posing nice photographs with little information because he believed that the readers nowadays wants to learn more about the subjects. Therefore, he devoted a lot of time doing research about the behavior on the subjects in his photographs.
He also wanted to give answers to questions that he had for years. For example, "how do crinoid shrimps manage to acquire the exact same color as their host crinoid" or "is an octopus color blind?
David W. Behrens, who was the scientific editor, spent countless hours assisting him with the text in terms of scientific accuracy. His contribution and encouragement have been tremendous.
In the book you will find no poetry, a few jokes and a lot of scientific information about the behavior of the subjects in the photographs.The Common-Sense Way to Biological Filtration
This color field guide describes 189 species of fish and 65 species of invertebrates that are commonly observed by divers and snorkelers in this region. Each species is illustrated with a color photo. The narrative includes identification, maximum size, habit, geographic range, and in most cases, natural history notes.
CO-021S Marine Aquariums - paperback $5.95
CO-021 Marine Aquariums - hardback $9.95
A feast of colors, shapes, and sizes, this book contains descriptions and photos of over 50 aquatic species found in tropical waters. With authoritative text by a noted marine biologist, and fabulous color photographs by some of the world's leading underwater photographers, this is a handy field guide for snorkellers and divers alike. Periplus Tropical Nature Guides are practical field guides, useful for identifying various natural objects ranging from plants and animals to gemstones and seashells. Each page of each title throughout the series is filled with clear, precise photographs and informative text. Scientific and local language names are given. Periplus Nature Guides provide an introduction to some of the more common natural phenomena that occur in Southeast Asia. Each title is comprised of an introduction, followed by an in-depth look at 50 to 60 species, each illustrated in full-color.
Periplus Tropical Nature Guides are practical field guides, useful for identifying various natural objects ranging from plants and animals to gemstones and seashells. Each page of each title throughout the series is filled with clear, precise photographs and informative text. Scientific and local language names are given.
A colourful and refreshing publication about marine life of the Australian rocky reefs, this hardcover, oversize volume provides readers with comprehensive materials on the ecology of Australia's rocky reefs and their fisheries. Divided into three parts and containing 26 chapters, UNDER SOUTHERN Seas is a pleasure to the eye. Richly illustrated with around 200 colour photographs, and contributions of 32 marine biologists, Neil Andrew's work maintains a good balance between text and photos."--Xavier Gros, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, The Netherlands, Electronic Green Journal, Issue 14, Spring 2001.This comprehensive volume includes chapters on sharks, rock lobsters, abalone and fishes, as well as many of the less familiar inhabitants of rocky reefs. It is suitable for marine biologists, oceanographers, underwater photographers, or anyone willing to discover Australia's underwater world.
N-841 Water Chemistry for the Marine Aquarium by John H. Tullock Paperback, 96 Pages, 6 1/2 x 7 7/8, 2002 $6.95
Written by an expert on marine biology, this title is must reading for the marine aquarium hobbyist. Keeping ocean-dwelling fish and other marine life forms thriving in the synthetic environment of an aquarium requires special knowledge and care, especially in regard to water quality. The author discusses the properties of natural seawater, then gives details on how to create and maintain high-quality synthetic seawater. He describes biochemical cycles and fluctuating conditions that are normal in a flourishing marine aquarium, instructs on adding needed chemical components, and advises on water analysis test kits, instrumentation, and record keeping. Includes illustrations plus informative tables and charts.
This 64 page booklet covers a wide range of topics that will help maintain quality seawater in marine aquariums. It begins with a discussion on the freshwater used for preparing seawater salt mixes and/or evaporation make-up. Processing equipment is explained, as is the use of distilled and well water. Synthetic salt mixes and natural seawater usage is also discussed, as is salinity, specific gravity, conductivity, osmotic balance and applicable testing. Elements and compounds of importance are explained, e.g., Ammonium/ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, phosphorus/phosphate, oxygen, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, strontium, silica, iron, fluoride, bromide, iodine (including iodide, iodate and Lugols), boron, molybdenum, copper, and trace elements. The booklet closes with one of the most comprehensive tables of seawater elements ever published. An easy to read booklet that takes the mystery out of maintaining quality seawater in your aquarium.
This card is designed to be taken in the water by snorkelers and divers. There are 72 color photos of common fish that occur in these sanctuaries
We do not carry this book in stock, but it can be ordered and be shipped to to you in about 2 weeks. (Requires prepayment.)
The multitude of shapes, colors, and species of marine invertebrates is seemingly infinite. With over 1000 color photographs, the Marine Atlas Volume 4 introduces rare invertebrates — ranging from sponges to tunicates — not presented in the previous three volumes. Aquarists as well as divers, beach combers, and anybody interested in marine life will be richly rewarded with a plenitude of information.
We do not carry this book in stock, but it can be ordered and be shipped to to you in about 2 weeks. (Requires prepayment.)
More than 1152 pages and over 1200 colorfotos. Non-Perciformes: Sharks and Rays, Morays, Lion- and Scorpionfishes, Seahorses, Angler- and Soldierfishes, Puffers, File- and Triggerfishes, Flying Fishes. Butterfly- and Angelfishes.
We do not carry this book in stock, but it can be ordered and be shipped to to you in about 2 weeks. (Requires prepayment.)
We do not carry this book in stock, but it can be ordered and be shipped to to you in about 2 weeks. (Requires prepayment.)
E-Mail to Jim Forshey/The Aquatic Book Shop