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Contents; Bathybates: beautiful predators from the depths (Ad Konings); Cyprichromis (Volker Puttberg); Problems with breeding Benthochromis tricoti (Paolo Salvagiani); On the differences between Petrochromis polyodon and P. famula (Hans-J. Herrmann); Two long-nosed cichlids (Mylochromis; Ad Konings); Sexual Selection in Lake Malawi Cichlids (Jay Stauffer & Karen Kellogg); A new Lethrinops with a peculiar bower (Ad Konings); The "Silver Torpedo" an unusual cichlid (Peter Baasch); A real gem from the depths of Lake Malawi (Copadichromis; Peter Baasch); Polychromatism in rock dwelling Lake Victoria cichlids: types, distribution, and observations on their genetics (Ole Seehausen); Two Paretroplus species (Jean-Claude Nourissat); Oxylapia polli, the enigmatic cichlid of the Nosivolo River (Patrick de Rham); Notes on a little known cichlid from West Africa, Sarotherodon caudomarginatus (Boulenger, 1916), with some thoughts on the genus (Melanie Stiassny); A collecting expedition to Honduras (Theraps wesseli; Ross Socolof & Rusty Wessel); Amphilophus nourissati, an interesting earth-eater from Central America (Michel Keijman); The forgotten Thorichthys maculipinnis (Juan Miguel Artigas); Variation in Crenicichla regani (Frank Warzel); A new checkerboard cichlid from the Rio Tapajós (Frank Warzel); Mazarunia mazarunii a rare South American cichlid (Willem Heijns); A review of the current exporting operations from the African Rift Lakes (Stuart Grant); The age of cichlid fishes (Martin Geerts);
These colorful fish are native to Central and South America, Africa, and Asia, and hobbyists will find them available in many colors and varieties. Titles in the extensive Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series provide pet owners with basic information on keeping healthy, contented, well-cared-for animals. Facts and advice cover all aspects of pet care, which include proper feeding, housing, health care and much more. The text in each manual is supplemented with many vivid, full-color photos, and with instructive, anatomically accurate line art. Each manual has been individually written by a Breeder or experienced animal specialist.
Cichlids of The Americas by Wayne Leibel 1995, 96 pages, paperback. $12.95
Several cichlid varieties constitute ninety percent of the fish in Lake Victoria and surrounding waters. All make colorful additions to the hobbyist’s fish tank. Here is a wealth of advice and information on keeping these fascinating fish. Barron's comprehensive Pet Owner's Manuals are heavily illustrated and filled with useful information. Books give advice on purchasing and acquiring, health care, feeding, and much more. Clear, straightforward texts are accompanied by high-quality full-color photos and anatomically accurate line art, as well as helpful tables and charts.
Malawi Cichlids in Their Natural habitat by Ad Konings
N-173-1ST 1989, 303 pages, hardback $45.00
Information on the 2nd edition; In this classic treatment of the cichlids of Lake Malawi, more than 600 different species are characterized by their distribution, coloration, and habitat preferences. More than 1100 photographs (the majority never published before) illustrate the cichlids from the entire lake, including from newly-explored Coastlines of Tanzania and Mozambique. The book is a large edition (8" x 11") composing 352 pages plus a large, full-color foldout map of the lake.The Midas Cichlid species complex in two Nicaraguan crater lakes in: Cuadernos de investigacion de la UCA, vol. 12
This volume, produced by Cichlid Press for the University of Central America in Managua, contains the description of three new Nicaraguan cichlids and is illustrated by 40 excellent color photos that show these and related species in their natural habitat. The two papers are:McKaye, K.R., J. R. Stauffer Jr., E.P. Van Den Berghe, R. Vivas, L.J. Lopez
Perez, J. K. McCrary, R. Waid, A. Konings, W.-J. Lee, T.D. Kocher. 2002.
Behavioral, Morphological and Genetic Evidence of Divergence of the Midas
Cichlid Species Complex in Two Nicaraguan Crater Lakes. Cuadernos de la
Investigación de la UCA. Vol. 12: pp 19-47.
This book, the first ever guide to the cichlid fishes of the offshore waters of Lake Malawi, shows that this habitat harbors a great diversity of little-known cichlid species. Aquarists will be fascinated by the wealth of previously-unknown brilliantly-colored and bizarrely-shaped species. Information on distinguishing features, color, size, distribution and abundance, commercial importance, diet, reproduction, and taxonomy are given for 199 species, 79 of which are presently undescribed. 186 color and 44 black and white photographs illustrate all species.
The classic treatment on the cichlids of Lake Tanganyika! This book features more than 200 color photographs never published before and taken in Lake Tanganyika, the cichlids' natural habitat. Many of these excellent underwater pictures were taken by Horst Walter Dieckhoff. While reading this book you may easily imagine yourself scuba-diving in the wonderous world of Lake Tanganyika.
In this completely new treatment of the cichlids of Lake Tanganyika, more than 200 different species are characterized by their distribution, coloration, and habitat preferences. More than 920 photographs (the majority never published before) illustrate the cichlids from the entire lake; 683 photos (75%!) were taken underwater and show the cichlids at their best: in their natural habitat. The book is a large edition (8" x 11").
There is no other group of aquarium fishes which has evoked such a passion among hobbyists as Tanganyikan cichlids have. For many an aquarist they represent a life-long addiction to keeping, breeding and, most of all, observing these interesting fishes. Why is this? The answer is easy: Tanganyika cichlids are the most interesting aquarium fishes known today. They provide hobbyists with a combination of attractive fishes, interesting behavior, and easy maintenance, with the added benefit that the sale of their offspring can sometimes cover most of the cost of keeping them. This guide provides an overview of the species currently available and some basic information on how to keep them in the most natural way.