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N-153 Australian Native Fishes For Aquariums by Leggett and Merrick
Sections on setting up a tank, collecting and handling, feeding, breeding,
diseases, photography, exhibiting, judging, fish room design, and fishes. 1987,
hardback, 248 pages, over 140 color photos $25.95
The Department of Primary Industries Queensland Fisheries Service (QFS) has released a fascinating new field guide on the fishes of central Australia.
The guide, entitled “Fishes of the Lake Eyre Catchment of Central Australia” was developed by QFS in conjunction with the Lake Eyre Zonal Advisory Committee, from funding provided by the Natural Heritage Trust.
DPI principal policy officer, Bernadette Kerby, said the guide provided a wealth of information to anyone interested in Australian fishes and aquatic ecosystems.
“The guide explains that the Lake Eyre Basin, despite being characterized by a lack of water, is home to a unique group of fishes, called the desert fishes,” Ms Kerby said.
“The guide has color photographs and a key to the 33 fishes native to the area to assist with identification, as well as sections on the distribution, habitat and biology of these fishes.
“There is information on the angling potential of the native fishes, their eating quality and conservation status, and a section on introduced pest fish.”
Ms Kerby said that the guide covered the area from the Finke River near Alice Springs, east to the Bulloo River at Quilpie, and from Mount Isa in the north, to Broken Hill in the south.